All Posts in Deranged Thoughts HQ
Share your crimes against humanity
Caitlyn Jenner is a paradoxical human being... like... how can a trans person, be so goddamn transphobic? Like... imagine being in her positon:
I've sort of just come to this conclusion, that everybody on this planet is either depressed, an asshole, or both
You've Gotta be Kidding!
"help m e"
If you could remove one person from ever existing, who would it be?
Gamejolt has been as quiet, as I wish christian mothers on Facebook were.
Life Hack:
If you pull out a gun in a grocery store, you get a free ride to a place with free rooms and food!
Dear people who use Depressed as a synonym for sad.
It seems 202 wonderful people are following me! I have no idea what series of events could possibly lead you to want to follow me, but regardless, I really appreciate you guys! Have a wonderful (Insert phrase reliant on time zone).
Why do gender reveals even exist... like... did somebody one day just decide, "Hey, I'm gonna destroy the environment, because I want everyone to know what's in my Childs pants!"
Mentally stable or something. I don't know, I have emotional trauma