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why is every featured post @PKSuperStar256

Google has many definitions for "at", but nothing for "for".

Let the world know that i'm truly dissapointed in all of you...

This Tuesday (Sept. 29, 2020), I was going through my stuff and I found the two DVD cases for my "about 10-year old" Eon Kid Full Series DVDs. I think I should watch these again to see how they were like.

@bjb, you're my 666th follower. I don't know what to say.

Welcome to Smash, Steve.

(repost because I forgot some comminuties)

I was watching on my DVD...

Whenever I cry, sometimes my eyes feel dry sometime after.

I like all sorts of games, but EarthBound has a special place in my heart. It's the most relatable and realistic series that I've ever enjoyed.


I literally LOVE this song! This deserves to be in my top favorite music of all time.
