video_games in The Happy Community! :D

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Although I like Tails as sidekick in Sonic, I choose Mint Adenade cause does better as support sidekick in Tales of Phantasia.

Still happy 10th anniversary to FNaF 3

Since I had nothing to do, did the whole game with aggressive mode, always moving him to Cam 09 and 10, i've finished it many times, but always enjoyable and never bores me, the same for FNaF World

Happy 10th anniversary to FNaF 3

The easy but also the amazing game i've played on the saga, i've completed it many times and i can't stop playing it until this year, is always amazing, and Springtrap is always my favorite character on the saga

¿Qué tal, cómo preferís el mapa con el mismo filtro que los demás (la segunda imagen) o sin él (la primera imagen)?


What's up, how do you prefer the map with the same filter as the others (the second image) or without (the first image)?