Edyshack Pizzeria in Pizzeria Builder

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You decided to buy the duck pool

Are you ready for your next shift?

  4 votes Voting finished

Night shift completed

You now need to decide on what special activities you want to add. Here’s the deal:

Balloon baril= 5$

Ball pit box= 10$

Duck pool= 12$

  5 votes Voting finished

You decided to buy Pan Stan

Congratulations on finishing your first day, but you still have to do something before you go back home. You must finish those task and then your free. Though, something might be crawling in the vents next to you.

  7 votes Voting finished

You decided to buy large wooden stage

Fazbear entertainment will now offer you your first ever animatronic which will become you mascot. The animatronic offered are:

Mr. Can-do= 10$

#1 crate= 12$

Pan Stan= 18$

Bucket Bob= 15$

  5 votes Voting finished

You decided to buy the party tables

You now must decide on what kind of stage do you want

Small wooden stage (can support 1 animatronic)= 15$

Medium wooden stage (can support 2 animatronic)= 25$

Large wooden stage (can support 3 animatronic)= 35$

  8 votes Voting finished

So I decided to make my own Freddy pizzeria stuff like @CreeperGalastic did.

Your first day on the work, you arrive and there is nothing. You then decide on what kind of tables do you want.

Wooden tables= 20$

Party tables= 10$

Polished wooden tables= 35$

  6 votes Voting finished