general in Pizzeria Builder

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Its the final day of the month! And let's end this with yet another birthday! Mine! It is my b-day today :D

Basically the protest is supposed to be for something else other than trains.

Nutmeg!? Did you teleport over there to get @The_Exclusive_1_Kile donut!? Good dog!

Holy! This is extreme! It even says “this error should NEVER be shown if you are a user”.

Whoever got this software gore, just- idk. F in the chat? Idk I don’t do this stuff

So I’m just reading through articles and found this! It is hilarious XD. Link:…

Guess I’m not gonna eat my fried chicken (not my pic btw) P.S. this is a design fail

I reached 700 likes =D

Hey guys I’m back. Long story short I can only work on my game only on sundays

Lets go back through time...

the first picture is my first post.

The second is my first daily meme.