Welcome to the factory as an employee and also part of the staff!
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Welcome, thank you for being the staff of Playtime Co. You discover that every one has dissapeared out of plain sight. You come in to investigate this. You find the gift shop and security areas. you go to the gift shop first, then you go to the security second. You try Green, Pink, Yellow, Red and the doors open. You find a grab pack in the shaped looking vent. You realize you need to play the Blue tape in order to get your grab pack. After you play the blue tape you get your grab pack and head down to the main room. You use your blue hand to unlock the door. You walk in and you find a strange looking mascot called Huggy Wuggy. You find a button and it plays the Huggy Wuggy song. You look around the big room and you find a big, blue hand with glowing blue on it. Once you did that, Huggy get's out the key and you grab it to unclock the power room. You go in and you find yourself in the first puzzle. After that, Huggy is gone.


I hope you enjoyed part of it.

Thank you, I'll continue some more soon. And thank you for joining Playtime Community.

@Huggy_Wuggy1 owner
Report A community for almost 3 years