general in My 5-Person Fanbase (r9ostdkgvuusf0vd9k community)
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HELL TO THE YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment with your flags!!!!!!!!!!! <3 /ref
I ended up deciding that I would post my full views on the situation with Helen.
The fourth image (the meme image) is separate from the post as it wouldn't fit in the screenshot.
Fellers, when I say that I'm gonna "break the bed", I do not mean I'm gonna make sweet love down by the fire or something. I mean I will take a crowbar and demolish the bed.
Then put the bed back together out of guilt.
pipis tower scary story!!!! (#2SPOOKY4U) pizza Tower.exe!!!!
I asked it once and I'll ask it again.
How do you prefer your cordial?
34 votes Voting finished…
i edited it as if i was on r/antifastonetoss lmao