Share your creations!





Meet Tim

catch him guys

Bee is real

woah guys this is so awesome

I criticized ICMation's game in the IC Server and offered to help improve it since I know my way around Unity pretty well.

I got banned from the server lmfao

A comfort hug


Heads up! Due to low grades I now have a limited schedule of 2 hours on devices after school! Meaning updates and game progress will be slow until the end of the school year in which my fate here shall be decided, for now meet my glasgow oc! Riley!

Tired Tarra

Character by: @EpicTV

Welcome, dear sir and/or madam, to my personal mansion!

Or at least, PART of it anyways...

Whatever you can see, you can touch or modify- Nevermind, you can ONLY see or touch things... but you can also post stuff here too!

You see, my friends and I are ones for fine art. Except for one of us... but he's not part of us anymore. We want you to post your beautiful creations in our art rooms that our creator refers to as "channels". Though, please try and keep everything relevant to their respective corners!

While you're at it, why not post some fine art of me? My friends call me a bit narcissistic, but you don't know real narcissism until you've seen the man in the labs down under...

You know what, just don't mention the labs down in the mountain at all. We want to remove any trace of him from any recordable source that currently exists...

Anyways, enjoy your stay!

-Mr. Glasgow

Report A community for over 1 year