announcements in Red The Prime Hedgehog512 Official Comunnity

Share your creations!

Due to controversy of [REDACTED] I'm allowing someone else to voice act as Sadist Pico and Boyfriend because of the drama. The voice actor of girlfriend will stay the same because I'm voicing her.

A bit inspired by @witheredtoysonicthehedgehog, but I need 3 artists, a second & third song composer, and a coder. Be free do DM me or comment on this if you're interested!

I'm open for exposement auditions! Please be free to send your auditions by DMing me! Today's topic is both DaveFNFBoi and liam! I got @Max4459 and JaydenCentar Wells' auditions already in case you're asking me.

Stay Tuned Get ready to have a face full of regret Aaron!

The Truth about AaronCS7(#RestInPeaceSunkyTehMemeLord)
(Thumbnail by LanRicks)AaronCS7 is a disgrace to the entire community,because not only he was a pervert,a pedophile and an art stealer and tracer,but he also... Also Me And Red Are Bringing Back Super Smash Bros Revolution This Time We're Rebooting It

Super Mario Origins Is Delayed To January 2, 2022 And Freedom Heroes Is Delayed To July 14, 2022

HTH345 Direct Is Delayed To January 1
