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Our community is made up of individuals who are passionate about language and the written word. We come from all corners of the world, bringing with us our unique perspectives and experiences. Together, we explore the intricacies of different alphabets, from the elegant curves of Arabic script to the blocky characters of Cyrillic.

One of the main activities within our community is the creation of games. We love to challenge ourselves and each other by designing games that test our knowledge of different alphabets. These games can range from simple matching exercises to more complex puzzles that require us to decipher words and phrases in unfamiliar scripts.

In addition to games, we also enjoy creating modifications to existing alphabets. This can involve tweaking the design of certain characters to make them more aesthetically pleasing or adding new characters to better represent sounds that are unique to a particular language. These modifications allow us to personalize our alphabets and make them more functional for our specific needs.

Finally, we also love to create custom fan-made introductory alphabets. These are alphabets that are designed to introduce beginners to a particular language or script. They often include simplified versions of characters and focus on the most commonly used sounds and words. By creating these introductory alphabets, we hope to make language learning more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Overall, our community is a vibrant and welcoming place where language enthusiasts can come together to explore the beauty and complexity of different alphabets. Whether you're a seasoned linguist or just starting out on your language learning journey, we invite you to join us and discover the joys of alphabets from around the world.

@Laters60left owner
Report A community for about 1 year