Whatever The Fuck in The Fox Guy Foxtail Community rework in progress

Let's Write Some Shit Mate

Is it me or is less and less fnaf songs coming out?

Morning fuckers

Damn my thighs are really pale compared to the rest of me

Why is it hard to believe a femboy has a gf? Sometimes people say "But aren't you a femboy?" When I say I have a gf because I'm like a female I can't have a girlfriend? That's stupid. Sorry some ass hat said I have to be gay since I'm a femboy

New dead line I'm giving to myself

Finish pride art before the end of the week

Quick reminder to follow the love of my life @di3d_vi4_cl0wn

Random but here's a reason I love being a big creator because it allows me to spot light creeps like this fucker @Kittytv_funvee report them please and thank you

oh yeah and since I finished that quick animation, we can move on back to Wiki VS Majin's Comic Arena Battle

[May or may not later make animations included in the comic arena. If a fight is animated instead of drawn as a comic, it may be included.]

If I was peach I would marry bowser
