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Bully Billy taking numerous loans from the bank to fund a company to create a completely functional cloning machine for devious bullying purposes and money to become rich and bully more kids and then proceeding to buy the entire Apartment to underpay the entities which were already underpaid to earn more money to bully more kids and then bully every entity in the Apartment including entities in Section E and Section V except for BillyPurple BillySad BillyJimmy and Timmy because they are its friends, which includes A-10A-35A-60A-80A-100A-120A-150A-183A-200A-245A-258A-300A-332A-350E-1E-22E-42E-60E-142E-144E-200V-5V-27V-35V-50X-10X-35X-60XE-1TrollfaceMarioJohnNoah and G-GLITCH, and then creating a completely functional time machine to go back in time to April 1st, 2023 and then hacking into Zvardin'Roblox account to keep everything about the April Fools Update, including itself, forever and then going once again back in time to the release of A Rooms Fangame to bring A-221 and Hilly also known as A-246 to the current days, and then bullying every other entity which it hasn't bullied yet and has to bully which includes U-5U-10U-40U-80U-120U-170U-200U-230U-260U-300U-330U-380U-400XX-10XX-35A-50XX-60Trollface-90rAinbow-200A-220X-220A-404 and XXE-1, So then he can become the most powerful leader in the whole entire world and be the strongest nation to then colozine every planet and every thing in this world with the help of his friends to make even more money and colozine the whole galaxy so he can finally feel the taste of victory and get his satisfactory win, and then going to colozine the whole universe and bully other entities from other games which includes A-7 A-15 A-14 A-22 A-26 A-48 A-60 A-60' B-60 A-72 A-86 A-99 A-105 A-110 A-123 A-164 A-160 A-180 A-366 A-406 A-250 A-331 A-45 A-134 A-230 A-200 A-0 A-85 A-50 A-40 A-10 A-120 A-200 A-200 and fanmade entities such as U-55 XXX-60 XXXX-60 XXXXX-60 XXX-35 XXXX-35 XXX-10 XXXX-10 then take over more universes and become the ruler of everything. But then, Zvardin notices the changes after a few days, he would change it back and log out all and relog in, but he would discover Bully Billy and kill him before he could do this, he disappears. But then Bully Billy returns but now hes at the shadow realm forever.

@whatkindisthisaccount owner
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