posting stuff just because in ⋆ ..Lins Garden.. ☆
The fact I predicted this when I was younger is absolutely crazy too 😭
I legit said "when I get older I'm gonna have the best wife ever and love the glitter out of her, and dress her up in pink fluffy dresses" 😭🙏🏼
We e e. E ee. E e e e
Were meant to be e e e e e e e e. E
For eternity y y y y. Y y y y
It was a prophecy y y y y. Yy. Y y y
Csnt sleep,, I'm also eating :3
Wifey brought my sanity back,, :3
The only games I like are shooter games or games with murder.
Like COD. I love COD. Not so much of an Arsenal fan. Definitely hate fortnite.
People are intimidated by me until they know I'm below 5'3.
But then I remind them I'm a very creative and psychotic person, and can easily size them up and figure out how to murder them just by observing behavior and body language. 🫶
Who wants to be in the "circle circle dot dot" trend eirh me :33