venting/ranting.. β˜… in πŸŒ™L0ve's Land!!! πŸŽ€


Man i tried thuggin it out bruu. Thuggin it out aint work πŸ˜”.

atp i dont gaf about anything anymore. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

I'm gone chat. <3


(Also I did remake this, so I could add the communities and I changed some things)

Okay, so I'm going to confront these allegations of telling @Adrinne to "kill herself".

(Go attack her if you please. Idgaf anymore.)

No fucking shit moron. Life isn't rainbows and sparkles, shit pops off, I'm moving on now so you two should also. I got everything I wanted to rant and vent about off my chest so bye bye bitches.

Xene can suck it. I'm moving on and enjoying my life because I have one.