News and Snooz in Some Diddly Dude Games (SDDG)

You can't un-mountain dew what's already been mountain done

Get jiggy with it

Here are some nifty little facts about Omnoe and stuff!

1. Omnoe is an amoeba

2. Omnoe can change colors at will

3. Omnoe's favorite color is Brown2. It's a color you can't comprehend.

I sure love going out on the OCEAN!

ONE NIGHT AT FRESHY JOE'S NOT HIS MOMMA'S IS OUT NOW! (it will be added shortly :]

This game will get a HUGE update, sometime around May or June. It will have some of the following:

Endless mode


Character Map

Other Cheats

And so much more!

If you want more info, join the SDDG community. I'll try to post as often as I can!