All Posts in StrikersTigers

The Tigers are Hungry

Gimmi Time.

I almost have Motivation. To Make a Short Video About Doodles Backstory

And here's the Moment where imma just Pretend this is made with KI/AI and not me Suffered for 2 Hours to make a Tiger looking Like Doodle. 🥲


So. Since Strikers Tigers is 1 year old since a few weeks. I'll make some Drawings from all character so far. And will make a new logo. Atleast redraw it.

Anyways heres Demon

Guys Gays Guys. Maybe noone cares. But

Strikers Tigers now exists for one year already.

Still work in Progress tho. But Still

Today in school I made these drawings of Henry, Demon and Shio

Doodle .-.

Gonna Draw now all Tigers together

Anyways Guys

Demon now has a new design

And He learned to burn :>

What you think about it?
