facts in TDS


Fun fact: the traffic cones on the main cliff space in Portland are unanchored, meaning you can push them and fling them.

Try to figure out how I beat molten with that...

The selling price of a tower is determined by how much cash you've used to upgrade the tower and to place it, divided by 3, rounded to a whole number.

Here is Part 2 Before I was saying How I can also stun towers with my pistol and Rockets and if you somehow beat me you get COMMANDO :D I am also the only boss in TDS history that can kill towers Thank you to listening to my story on why I am A Good Boss

Hi I am the Raider Boss Here is why I am A Good boss I am Good since if I shoot a tower 2 times it dies and I shoot 3 shots when I shoot I have 35k hp and summon Raiders 1 and 2 which can stun towers Plus I can Stun Towers (Part 1)