All Posts in Team Wire Firey Community

Share your creations!

We now allow the possibility of using our Characters in your personal projects (make sure to mention @TWFWired or @Wire_Firey-Gaming for personal use).


SAITP Is Now Avaliable online with every levels Unlocked!

Online Play:

you need the latest versions of Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Brave & Tor (IMCOMPATIBLE WITH FIREFOX & SAFARI)

(There some Adverts Interruptions)


Hello there...

I Can't Stop Laughing! XD




Leafy, Wake Up!

VA: me

Record: Android 12

As We Saw, if you want to play Tetrias, you need the latest versions of Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Brave & Tor (IMCOMPATIBLE WITH FIREFOX)

--Reported by a TWF PL Member

We Are looking for someone to open Team Wire Firey Brazil, if someone wants to take opportunity, Email us!

TWF Community Collaborators has been reset to meet our new Community Team for this Community Only!

Wire Firey's Game was so Cool & Unique, sad that i was the only one =(

Join his Discord Server for more events like that: