

(Note: only for Computer)

If Theres Any Bugs, please send it to the Official Team Wire Firey Website



Sacky's Space Arcade opened with accidents and we need an night guard if everything is okay, Can you survive to 9AM ?



Fog Machine: use the Fog Machine if someone is in the office

Middle Door: close/open the Door to protect yourself form the middle hallway (check your door battery)

Cameras: use the cameras to check every positions of any characters

Note: you must have an Numpad to use the Cameras



Sacky: he's appearing in CAM2 and CAM3, if you see him in CAM3, Close the Middle Door

Reddy: he's appearing in CAM8 and CAM4, if he's in your office, use the Fog Machine to make him to not to see you

Gelatin: he's appearing in CAM6 and CAM5, if he's in your office, use the Fog Machine to make him not to see you (same mechanic like Reddy)

Hex: he's only in CAM7, after an few seconds, he will spin his Basketball, if he's doesn't have his BasketBall anymore, close the Middle Door

MePhone4: he's starting in CAM1 to go in Cam7, If you see him at the CAM3, Close the Middle Door



@Wire-Firey, @Gix319 , Sketch Animates

Special Thanks:

@Rayzex9 , @saintbells, AlgebraMan11



This Game is Tagged #fnaf #strategy #fangame #horror #pointnclick

Developement Tag is #TWFTetrias

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

As We Saw, if you want to play Tetrias, you need the latest versions of Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Brave & Tor (IMCOMPATIBLE WITH FIREFOX)

--Reported by a TWF PL Member

Tetrias 1.5.2:

Edited Information Screen

Tetrias 1.5.1:

Removed Quit Button

Added "Shutting Down" Screen

Back as HTML5

HTML5 Release:

Players can now Enjoy the 1.5 Version of Tetrias without Downloading any files!

1.5 Features:
-Improved Gameplay

-Only Full Screen

-Fixed Various Bugs