All Posts in Team Wire Firey Community

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"Gelatin" will be the Second Character in FM2 (Firey's Mission 2)


(FM2 will be avaliable around May 2024 or up, since the scenarios are only made yet, and not the final results)

We Updated Our Official Large Logo.

Some of the Avaliable Tracks in Dancing Flow:

Most of the TWF Devs will be on "Rectification" for the beginning of next week.

What would you watch on Wired TV for a Looped Hour ?

Hey guys I'm getting a new figurine Tell me how ur day had been guys also sorry I'm still not posting that often anymore I don't really have stuff to post and now I'm losing my viewers but those who are still here Thank you

Also Rest in piece Akira

Im made that for a Project of @Gix319 !

#TWFWireFirey #ProjectDripx85


My Little BFDI...

(BFB Intro but with MLP Music)


TopHatty's Adventures (Animated Series) Arrives April 14th 2024 on Wired TV Online!


I didn't relized that Tophatty's Adventures would come back...