Backrooms videos in Backrooms

Entrens & exit. Enter by finding a black lightpole in level 1111. Exit by breaking a lightpole in haf you will be sent to level 1 or have a 10% chanse of going to level !.

Backrooms fan level + entety. Level 4528719819,1 aka lightpole after lightpole. Class 4 survival dificulty. Its about 1000000 entetys below and 1 entety made for this level caled poleguy wich is a class 6 entety. Entrens and exit in the next one.

Backrooms fan level. Level 0,98 aka endless space station. Their are 4 zones. Zone 1 is a class 1. Zone 2 is a class 2. Zone 3 is a class 5. Zone 4 is a class 5. More in a later post.

Backrooms sans but in level ! & the original.

The last party popper. Fan entety.

Backrooms level ! Fnf mod idéa remake.

New backrooms entety idéa. Knifers. Knifers are exetremely hostile being able to make any voice of any person.

Backrooms level !.

Heres a smiler.

This is how good i can make art. Fnf backrooms mod idéa.