Your Cool Stuff (Random) in TheCyanAerzu's Hangout

Add whatever and enjoy!

Nyx Scrape Taryz

The Scarlet Queen of Ashland

The Fallen Queen of the Aerzus


Some cool Gamejolt Communities you should follow!

This Drawing of Kirk Seeing his 2000 Ford Escort Sedan

that i made in Magma

I wanna find out what NAA characters you associate with these lines from that one trend. Cause I’m bored. Comment answers

Deacon or Kirk. Who wins?

(Comment Answer Pls)


Deacons thoughts on the Anomalies. (Animation)

This Creepy Lizzie McGuire Art i made In Magma

So uh @drizzard told me that photo negative Millodee looks like Nyx and photo negative Nyx looks like Millodee on my banner.

It's a coincidence tho. Kinda funny too.

How about Carson Dellosa Art Style Skinner