memes in The Homies

Type, NOW!


Well Snoopity Damm, i remember this from the Nintendostation 69 Certainly a BIG SHOT classic

So for my final post for today before i go off to get some rest, i would like you all to look at this. (Yes it's about the mickey mouse public domain thing, but i decided to make a joke of it cuz i honestly don't care. Here's a funny joke art

Not gonna lie, this is me whenever i get up

(I didn't make this btw, i just liked this and found it from a youtube video and i wanted to share it with others. so that's what i did )


We're going back in time to the first thanksgiving, to get turkeys OFF the menu


a TUGS Joke Comic i made

Wheatley Crab

So i'm learning to make sound effects on Audacity and safe to say that i am an menace to the composers out there.