All Posts in GameJolt Theory


Use #FNaWTHEORY So I Can See It

@stevboi isnt orange we are just colorblind because of a glitch in our eyes and he uses a secret color and calls himself orange to trick us

alright last teaser. you know what to do, i hope someone makes the secret boss some music. cya

k part 2 i will make but imma make 2 random teasers bout the story bc i feel like i did not give enough. heres one of em, you know what to do. ill cya later. and im sad. no one has made music for the secret boss. imma stream soon

hey guys, its wierd to ask this but, heres a challenge, make music for the secret boss, type-retro or swing. make sure to use #inkedstorybossmusic with ye post. ill cya later

i want to see both @the_gaming_creeper 's theory bout the teaser/meme, and his reaction to it

lol reason why im putting this in gamejolt theory in the teasers channel, bc it kinda shows some lore