Extensions in TurboWarp

Share your content with power, yet, with gaming spirit...

Introducing :

A Exrension That Allows It's User To Save The Project's current status JSON and edit it, or get some values out of it or Load A Project using Another's Project JSON

MOON Works Very Well With The JSON extension by skyhigh173 and Mio

Just found out that GAMEJOLT API is just the default extension in Turbowarp, i have been trying to find a way to download it, but this extension was already in there by default....ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


I Have Made & published 3 Extensions !!!! For MDT Toolsβ„’ :

- URLaunch : lets you launch apps from just a url just like steam
- GDLoader : lets you download apps from a url and give it a name, ALSO chose its location
- REGIT : makes Register app schemas

Made An Extension Called : MDTTools, wich will be featuring alot of very Usefull tools that will make your project 10000000 times better !

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