All Posts in Undertale Orange

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the chad of the gifter's gauntlet requires you to spend.. and i kid you not.
"Twenty One HUNDRED???" i hear you say?
well hear me out..

@WahooSpaguetti problem solved?

The finals are over.


Tried art on my notes app.. SINCE WHEN WAS I THIS GOOD AT ART?!?

still not that good really but I'm glad i can draw heads now

(Character parts: head shape scott pilgrim, eyed scott falco, save point in right hair, luz in top left, rest is made up)

So i just made an entire ai, i'll put it in the undertale orange server once i do the final stuff

ok, this is an image of the word "Counter" Tilted upwards at an angle, can anyone help make the letter C?

feel free to remake the whole thing however you'd like if you want