Dev Log Stuff in Undertale: Neon

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Progress Report: Febuary 2024

Introducing Webster, an AI oddball that seems to have a sort of "filter" restricting his speech...

Not much about him is known, though he does have a fascination about your SOUL, and the power that comes with it...


2 remaining

Introducing Asriel, your guide to Ruined Haven, and your first friend!

Asriel specializes in plant-based spells. Though not a Flower, he has a special item/spell called Flowey Pellets that summons a Flowey to give you special effects!


3 remaining

Each demo before the full game is going to be called a "Mix." The first mix is going to include Ruined Haven. The second mix is going to include the entirety of snowdin and the first half waterfall. Some mixes might improve on some already existing stuff.