General in Glaceon's Cave

Share your creations!

Happy Pride Month to anyone celebrating it!

(I personally don't celebrate it since I'm straight, but I still support LGBT )

Hi guys, I came back from my trip, hope nothing really bad happened here-

Anyway, the poll is ending soon, so I'm gonna check it out later.

Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

Thought I would share a few photos of a place where I am right now. The scenery here is absolutely beautiful!

Can you guys guess where I am?

Rate me by each! (I definitely didn't stole this from anyone)

Personality: ?/10

Looks: ?/10

Talent: ?/10

Toughness: ?/10

Intelligence: ?/10

Loyalty: ?/10

Honesty: ?/10

Kindness: ?/10

Difference: ?/10

Also, there's gonna be a follow-up post soon.


2 years on Game Jolt. Time sure flies fast. I remember creating my account like it was yesterday lol

(Yeah I know I said I would take a break from making posts, but this is a special occasion, so I might make an exception for this one)

Even though I myself think that I don't deserve those 2000 followers, I still want to thank you all. From the bottom of my heart, for this whole support and for everything else, thank you.

You guys are the best



How would you all react if I suddently, out of nowhere deleted all my social media?

Don't worry, I'm not doing it yet, I'm just curious to know your reactions if that actually happened.

Apparently I jumped... two homeless men? Wtf-


Happy April Fools everyone!