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2 years on Game Jolt. Time sure flies fast. I remember creating my account like it was yesterday lol

(Yeah I know I said I would take a break from making posts, but this is a special occasion, so I might make an exception for this one)

Sonic.exe’s weakness in every sonic.exe good ending fangames:

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: There are three more things I want to add to the last announcement:

On April 1st, I said that there would be an important announcement soon.

Well, here it is.

(Click "Read article")

Even though I myself think that I don't deserve those 2000 followers, I still want to thank you all. From the bottom of my heart, for this whole support and for everything else, thank you.

You guys are the best

Welcome to my epic community!

Hey there! My name is szu23 and I welcome you to my very own community!

Make sure to follow the rules:

  1. The most important rule: Follow Game Jolt Guidelines

  2. Don't be rude - be nice/respectful towards everyone in this community

  3. No NSFW or any pornographic materials

  4. No spamming.

  5. Try to keep things you post in right channels.

Report A community for 11 months