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Sorry for been off this days. I was dieing, without exageration, I really was dieing, I had to go to the hspital almost loosing my countiousness, my heart almost stopped, so, sorry for being off

When you do a data pack as a joke, and people throw stones at you... PEOPLE, IT WAS A JOKE ;-; Some people really try to drag you down, but like you they dont even have a life.

This is an advice read the article:

Everybody is fighting someone, I think I should fight too. But I'm too lazy UwU (Yes I did that title, I picked another by reference but, I had to make 90% from scratch 'cause I dont know how to photoshop or even how to write in that font) Thats my AU

All of these are candidates for ingot, I think I will use all except the middle one, it appears to much with netherite, I need a goo ingot still