Brace yourself Vanyr is coming
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Vanyr - Humble Beginnings Originally developed for the engine efpse a retro FPS engine for Doom and quake-like games. Vanyr was designed to push the limits of the engine and create something epic. The engine was not designed to do some of the things Vanyr does and had a very limited scripting language restricting what was possible and leaving me to think outside the box.  Eventually, I hit a wall, not just any wall but one that was simply insurmountable. At this point Vanyr was permanently on hold until the engine could be expanded on.

After some time I discovered that this was never going to be a reality so the decision was to either shelve it permanently or move to a new engine.  Months later the decision to move to a new engine has finally been made so watch this space. Vanyr is coming. 

Vanyr - Community and Law

With a dedicated Wiki to build the Law of the game, players can explore the lore and deepen their understanding of Vanyr's rich heritage.

Also on the Wiki, you can find a full list of 3rd party assets and sounds used up to this point

@ThePixelwolf owner
Report A community for 5 months