Alliance Announcements in Sons of Mars

Per Ardua Ad Astra

The Santonese - Shirochi crisis rn

Each flag of the Autonomous Territories

The New constitution of the Autonomous Territories

VALORIAN NEWS: Crisis in Valoria with the Ostravyan Territory war with Ostravya losing a part of their southern territory and now they are protesting for Independence and separation. #FreeOstravya

VALORIAN NEWS: This Revolution is just a Civil war at this point, Soldiers are finding more Rebels

VALORIAN NEWS: The Revolution is Still going on and some rebel groups are still fighting the new government

The Sylvorrenian Royal Army will be deploying to aid our allies in Santallo.

Santonese election results
RPS: Republican (43%)
DPS: Democratic (5%)
LNPS: Libertarian Nationalist (14%)
FCSP: Foreign Crimsonian Sigma Party (38%)