All Posts in Neester's Homiez

Post yo memes or whatever lmao

If anyone can find some blueprint for a obiwan kenobi light Saber can yall @ me In yalls next post

On my one year anniversary on gj and my bday I'll go back to this pfp where it all began

June 4th will be the last time I post on gj for awhile so yea that's all

Saw this today it's nerf or nothing

A normal day in the manic SMP

This morning I woke up to so many notifications that I am glad I was able to do this much on gj that's one of the reasons y I like checking notifications so I can see how much people I make happy

Heh, the dramatic roleplay

QnA Time I guess! (Picture unrelated)

Good morning USAAAAAAAA

How rich would you be if the likes on your all your post was money