Share your creations!

Dumb, stupid meme

Here's some shitty Memes/Comics I made before WOWWZA

Dex's Catchphrase because she thinks she's epic

Jane's design changed alot, which one do you prefer?

The rules to participate are written in "Read article" place.

Last 2 places left


Pynx bullshit


Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane

I'm waiting for you, let's see what you draw

Note; write your name next to the drawing you drew.

Welcome to the The Idiots in Insurance community on Game Jolt! :D

My name is @Idiot_Insurance , and this is the hub for likeminded buffoons like myself to share their wonderful art ^^

I hope this community can help artists to find a platform and to have some fun :)


  1. No offensive, derogatory or targeted posts, language and behaviour

  2. No instigating any kind of bullying and harassment

  3. No lewd Explicit Pornographic art will be posted on this group tldr: no NSFW

  4. Try to post in the correct channels whenever possible

  5. No traced, stolen or AI generated art posts plzzzzzzzzz

  6. Fear the Zingaling Baby, don’t let him escape at all costs /J

  7. Failure to comply will result in being blocked

  8. And lastly, Have fun :)


Report A community for 11 months