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After a long hiatus, and using my time sparingly to focus on myself, i'm back into working on my Zombie Shooter, now under a better name, and switched over fully to Turbowarp, where it is coded, packed, and run by you faster than a player on Speed-O-Lite!

Thinking about doing a re-build of my old zombie games, and making vast improvements.

Do you have any tips or questions? The OG version will be 2 years old in August.

the memes lol.

Epidemic mode is nearly finished!!!

What's new? New theme song, Siege 1911 fire rate increased, Ammo drops added, Zombs spawn much slower now.

There are 14 levels, but there will be infinite levels soon enough.

Alright, so Normal Zombs work, C8A1 Carbine works great, you can buy more C8A1 ammo now. i have an early JavaScript Demo ready to be uploaded to Game Jolt. Should be uploaded in a few minutes! Enjoy!

Edit: Typo