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Welcome to the animal productions community on Game Jolt!

if your here, you actually looked at my communitys

because i did NOT advertise this community in a post, MAKE A POST IN FAN STUFF


animal productions is a indie animation studio

by me! spunjo.

not working on anything yet but i felt to make this for now

all shows of animal productions take place in the same universe

a futuristic world with only humanoid animals

the main shows are:

ANIMAL(very main show) the AXOLOTL SHOW(2nd very main show)

there will be others these are just the main and planned ones

note that all of them take place in the same universe!

episodes will be uploaded to newgrounds and yt but a post will be made here when they come out

no shows are being worked on but i made a poster for a few

the axolotle show poster

@Spunjo owner
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