All Posts in Sceleste's garden of helm
I'm happy on the family I'm building
My smp is a home and always will be
Plus we all know each other from past servers so its only easier lol
Just a small band of asd and adhd people who want to be content creators
My home, my happiness<3
I may post a list of names later on for members of the smp! Lore names only tho~<3
And its up to the rest of the members:)
Hehehe i love clover my beautiful bun<3
She's so cute! I traded my 3m long for her. Got her when she was only fm and 2 color shuffles later 2/3 scale! She's leg eye now too<3
All the person wanted for the bun was a fulong:)
Why was this so oddly mesmerizing?
I can't move i got a cat on my lap
The want to leak my smp lore is like too much man-
Just as spoilersss
But still a video is being made to do that