Share your creations!

Dude! If you like horror art go check Jordan out on YT!…

I drew these during my classes yesterday! Hope y’all like them!

Also, thanks to /@lemmy_lo0ps for the inspiration!!!

Also btw, the cat is a reference to the Marvel movies!

New Poppy Playtime drawing!!!

(It’s almost finished I just need to add the hand and fix some stuff!!)

I tried to make his tail look like it did in the pic that made ppl think another trailer was coming out on the 20th! Hope y’all like it!

I finished Dogday!

I Hope y’all enjoy it! I’m going to be giving the physical copy to /@AidenBieber , also go check out /@lemmy_lo0ps, they’re awesome! They gave me the idea to draw Dogday!


I finished the Chica Drawing guys!!

The other half is going to be Withered Chica!

This is what 20 minutes of drawing gets you! (The cupcake is kinda funky though ngl)

hi, this is a commun me and my friends are sharing for all things horror games (FNaF, batim, even poppy playtime bcuz why not) and ANIME!!

Also go check out our YT channel it’s baku_squad 2.0!!!

@Fun_Fr33dy_tIm3 owner
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