Character Suggestions in BBCCS/BIUC Official Community

place ur stuff here

bbccs:r and bcnagw

character concept:temg(character)

coming in december 12th 2024

character concept: wesleytrv the pedophille

new character idea

name weird fat kid

mechanics:spawns rarely1/100chancetakes yourzestybar

you will need soursaucechips and give it to him

he will eat the soursaucechips with the zesty bar

and he will give you your zestybar back and infinite alarm clocks

Character Concept:


Upcoming Mod İn BBCCS 9

Character Concept:


Likes: Player Giving Baldi A Apple

Dislikes:E4404 Phonty Mr Nice Guy Jakc Frank Ropleniz

Only Characters Like London Thievery Aliza E4404Proto

Stop The Phonty Chasing Player

He Player A Cupcake

Player Fan Hates Phonty