submissions in Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Content Madness Official Community

did you know? dreamcast nick has 6 dogs

this kid is a gamer and he has lost his ps2 so he will tell you to bring his ps2 to him but if you don’t give it to him in time well he may put you in a cauldron

I don’t even wanna know what this is but it likes to hide in lockers and if students hide in a locker he is hiding in he will take 3 of their items

Steven sonjohn
This man loves juice but hates events but how ever he can stop events from happening if you give him a juice bottle

I’m gonna post my submissions here now
This kid is VERY allergic to the smell of wd nosquee and will tell the principal if he sees you using it, he can also stab sergueï if he keeps using it

New Poster It's TransParent Now.