Random Thoughts in Benjiro's Group

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Since 2023 is starting to come to an end surprisingly soon, what was your greatest thing that happened this year?
I don’t really know why, but usually me helping others or putting a smile on their face makes me happy for some reason
I know it’s not a bad thing, but I just wonder why that is
Ok I think theres a good chance that I might be asexual
I know I’m not active on here as much but I felt like I needed to say something in regarding. To something
For the people mentioned in this
For gods sake please do not harass them
I thought this in my head for like years an I kind of want to say this for people who may have thought similar things
“What’s your aesthetic?”
I am my own aesthetic
“I mostly feel like the Tails to your sonic, but other times you feel like I’m the Mario to your Luigi”
I honestly don’t understand why people like hurting theirselves, I mean like why, I don’t get how you even enjoy doing it, can’t you see that you’re just making yourself feel worse?! I can’t be the only one who thinks that