general in Benjiro's Group

Share your creations!

Art Burnout in progress, gotta recharge for a bit

#HelloThere It’s kinda hard to remember when I first watched Star Wars, but the earliest thing I remember relating to Star Wars was the Clone Wars, still pretty peak even to this day

Oh ye before I forget,

Happy 25th SpongeBob!

Good morning Game Jolt! :D

(It's like 3:45am where I'm at (SUPER EARLY!!!)) X3

I was curious, how does one go about making a community? I was seriously considering making one, and also was curious if you have to have anything like banner art, etc.?

I cant believe I’m already at 75 followers!

Thank you all for looking at my goofy posts, or taking the time to chat with me! You guys always make my day!

If you guys would like to check out my other profiles, it’s at
