Blueberry's room in Blueberry's Mansion remade

Beta Bembee is approaching your house quickly

coconut waffle )yes thats her name

recreation of something i made during informatics almost a week ago

fun factf: while at school i actually draw some of my characters lolol

usually its mechies friends or smth with mostly cynthia i think?

so because of that i decided to draw the short brazilian bitch again lol

aftermath of the throw short people day comic from yesterday

mechie can not live for a month without byoobarri canonicallyyyyyyy

what i mean is that if byoobarri were to die, mechie would not last another monthr

becauas sadb

throw short people day be like

Got gj on my tablet again yayy

Anyway have an image of pepe today and exactly a year ago

am i literally the only one that has noticed that apparition bf's up pose just straight up has no hands?

seriously?? hello???? anyone else????

also at school a cat randomly showed up in the yard of the school before the first hour

do not under any circumstances give ghada anything pirate related EVER

unless if its october then its fine