On behalf of @KniteBlargh , I offer this bread to the Yeast of Yeasts, to raise us beyond our grainy forms into something greater.
Let us all rise, like the sun, to the praise of the Yeast.
Sorry Bread Gang, but the Game Jolt gang already claimed my soul...
However, I will share this photo of some bread I baked! Y'all want a slice? :O
The Yeast binds us,
Bringing us together,
Raising us above the sum of our grains.
Truly the Yeast is the core of the Brotherhood of Bread.
Praise the Yeast!
The Bread Breadthren Brotherhood is not a cult.
The Bread Breadthren Brotherhood is NOT a cult.
You see this piece of bread. It is not a cult.
The Bread Breadthren Brotherhood is NOT a cult.
And now, another message for my brothers in grains :
So, what the h e c c is this?
Just seemed to pop up out of no where, amirite
Well, not exactly. It started out as an inside joke with me (@ObscureEasterEgg ) and some friends. Then it grew, like a lot.
KniteBlargh and CROS posted about bread. The dang thing took over GJ.
This is just a lil joke community lol