Slime6 FNIA (oh god) in Universal Fandom

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Would you like a FNIA version of Oblitus Casa?

  40 votes 8 days left

Elmo-goes to the vent, if you see him use the mask so he dont kill you.

Mickey mouse animatronic-works like  One Night at State Farm Ronald mcdonalds

Slime 6 PnM and DO-They work like they original mechanics. Closing the door woulden't let they go away

Pete's AI (The easiest)

Yeah, a bit of my opinion

Could some one do Tubert in Fnia or Slime 6 Stily?

Happy 10th Fnati Anniversary from Five Nights in Anime: Treasure Island

Dark Chocolate and Strawberry are the best

Sending it again. The FNIA/Slime6/Dape23 server link is here. Only join if you like it, or is in the community.

Hey what’s up! Yup! Me All Good! Here’s the FNIA Video,

Thank you really for the last vid, I hope I’ll do better videos, and also, for those that are sad, this ain’t the last time of Fnia:teod on my channel and it will never be!

The Gangs All Here ;_;