Memes and Shitposts in Cosmic's Silly Community [REVAMPED]
You Can Do Anything!
(Well actually I haven't made the first Tails demo till the end and Kcukles + Egg but i will make them later )
Video in the Background from Rime and Gradus and Fixeye There is music at 0:45 :))
ШКИБИДИ ДРУЗЬЯ - топ трек на свете (feat. Фиксай, Райм) простите за трек
ШКИБИДИ ДРУЗЬЯ - топ трек на свете (feat. Фиксай, Райм) простите за трек (на конкурс в ролик Домера)Заходи в мой тг - ⏩ ⏮Мой мер...
Lol I haven’t uploaded in a long time