Tradeos de Forsaken in Forsaken AR Darkest Delivery (Comunidad Español)

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Aqui se haran tradeos de forsaken

solo una regla

-No estafar a la gente

si eso pasa avisarme al canal de avisos y pruebas de eso.

Hi! Just wanted to say I'm playing Forsaken AR again, if anyone wants to trade the image attached is my friend code, I'm currently after the 8 bit Purple Guy suit+CPU Carnie CPU and Creation CPU the most, but I'll trade anything!

The door is always open!

First try baby, thanks my sweet friend👍🐔🤌 @Savvage

Trades from Icons (don't sent me bosses or Springtrap ir Lefty)

Here I show my progress of Forsaken in almost a month since I installed it again