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Hello there! Welcome to the Dead Game community. Here you can talks about dead games such as Fall Guys, Fortnite and more! Although before joining this community, here are some rules.

  • Please do not post NSFW content.

    It is not at ANY time tolerated, as it is not appropriate. (Doing so will result in a ban)

  • Do not harass any fans of the dead game.

    This community is made for the purpose of talking about dead games. You can say you dislike or hate the games but please do not send hate to any fans of said game.

  • No spamming.

    It's annoying and, well, there's not really any other adjective for it. You can say something a couple of times, but please try your best to minimalize the amount of times you say something.

Well, that's about all the rules. Please respect these rules as much as you can. Anyways, hopefully you enjoy your stay here. Get comfy all you want and talk. Make yourself at home.

@ChalkLineYT owner
Report A community for over 3 years