disscusion in Death pass

Dont be afraid write something...

Let's make a drama film?

To you participate just go to the comments of this post and enter in the comment drama you want to participate, then, put a reply!

Let's make it? There is a lot of categories!

July 6th 2021

Lone Light Incident


Thanks to: @BigBrain22


Connected with:



What is connected?

The guy who have contact to the "local guy" was Lauren, Lauren was one of the 13 guys in AURORA WOODS STORY

Man, did you can see in FNaF history, the FredBear's Family Diner is everywhere? FredBear's made all this thing, then, springbonnie as springtrap, the principal enemy, then Golden Freddy, FredBear was the inspiration to all the lost souls in Golden Freddy