All Posts in Dave’s Fun Algebra Class Remastered/Daves House Community

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Friendly lofi funkin day 22/23. Talentless Diamond (Rock Star Alice And Diamond man sings Talentless fox)

Friendly lofi funkin day 19. Its a Wizard and Green Alien Monitor sings star

Friendly lofi funkin day 17. Playrobot And Playtime 2.0 (Human Playrobot and Human Playtime 2.0 Next its arts and crafts and diamond man)

Friendly lofi funkin day 16. Playrobot_Playrobot 64 Over Ski/Ski 64 (Playrobot from dave and bambi golden apple and dave's fun algebra class)

Friendly lofi funkin day 4. Fight or Flight

Solo meme ft. Wendy, Garrett, Green Alien Monitor, Diamond man and Playrobot (free to use)

Olly (Garrett's fangirl)

i love photos app

Tried remaking diamond man’s icon.

fanart i made of the upcoming character spike